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Notes on miscibility: Green - mixing without restrictions, Yellow - mixing under certain conditions, Red - cannot be mixed


Note No. 1: combination possible, K-gel is in UAN concentration more difficult to dissolve. The mixture must be stirred for a long period

Note No. 2: combination is possible, but the tank mixture cannot be mixed in storage; it must be applied as soon as possible after mixing the non-concentrated components in the sprayer tank

Note No. 3: Sulphur in AmisaN causes coagulation of humates present in FORTESTIM and some CAMPOFORT. The amount of coagulation formed is difficult to quantify and depends on the individual component ratio.

To remember:

  • phosphorus-containing fertilizers cannot be mixed with calcium-containing fertilizers
  • polyphosphate phosphorus-containing fertilizers cannot be mixed with calcium and magnesium-containing fertilizers 
  • phosphorus-containing fertilizers cannot be mixed with fertilizers containing inorganic manganese and zinc
  • Zinek 120 may only be mixed with K-gel, Hořčík 140 and Síra 165.
  • NanoFYT Si® may be mixed with everything except DAM
  • Síra 165 is miscible with anything except calcium-containing fertilizers 

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