Winter rape

Key points of winter rape nutrition:

Ensuring strong plants until the onset of winter

RETAFOS®prim – phosphorus and potassium for strong and weak plants

  • maximum use of days providing optimal growth conditions
  • does not increase the risk of overgrowth
  • phosphorus and potassium in rapidly acceptable forms compared to conventional fertilizers
  • dose 5 l/ha from phase of 3 leaves, suitable to combine with regulators or fungicides

UREAstabil® – targeted nitrogen fertilisation

  • urea with a urease inhibitor – high certainty of efficiency even with minimal precipitation
  • application during October according to the plant's actual requirements and in compliance with legislation
  • dose 0.5 – 1.2 q/ha

Creating a nitrogen reserve in the root zone in the spring

UREAstabil® – a fertilizer that “waits for rain”

  • urea with a urease inhibitor – high certainty of efficiency even with limited precipitation
  • nitrogen distribution in the root zone during a certain moisture period
  • compared to other fertilizers, it does not cause waterlogging of the soil profile
  • application in regenerative or production dose
    • lighter soils - dose 2.0 – 2.5 q/ha
    • medium and heavier soils - dose 2.5 – 3.0 q/ha

Replenishing the nitrogen reserve in the root zone as required

StabilureN® 30

  • urease inhibitor for UAN, UAS and AmisaN fertilizers
  • improves the permeation of surface-applied urea nitrogen to plant roots
  • reduces nitrogen loss by releasing ammonia to the air
  • dose 0.1 l / 100 l of UAN, UAS and AmisaN fertilizer
  • possibility of combining with plant protection products and growth regulators

Support for intensive nutrient uptake, support for plant growth and activity


  • foliar fertilizer for all types of vegetation
  • phosphorus and potassium in rapidly acceptable forms compared to conventional fertilizers
  • biologically active organic component with anti-stress effect (humates, amino acids, betaine)


  • mutually combinable foliar fertilizers with a wide range of nutrients, nitrophenolates, humates and amino acids
  • increasing plant activity and gaining nitrogen and other soil nutrients
  • support for establishing and developing yield-generating elements
  • plant regeneration after damage by hail, pests and diseases
  • dose 4 l/ha, BBCH 23 - 69

FORTEalfa®, FORTEbeta®, FORTEgama®

  • foliar fertilizers with a combination of nutrients and anti-stress components (humates, amino acids, betaine)
  • ideal for applications with reduced root nutrient uptake (drought, wetting)
  • a possibility of using for suppressing nutrient deficiency based on inorganic plant analyzes (inorganic plant analyzes)

CAMPOFORT® fertilizers

  • a range of foliar fertilizers with a complex of nutrients and biologically active substances
  • optimal application according to inorganic plant analyzes - suppressing nutrient deficiency and balancing their ratios
  • dose 5 to 10 l/ha, BBCH 30 - 59

Support for pollen formation and germination, increase of resistance to gall midge


  • product based on pure nitrophenolates
  • eliciting effect – inducing the plant's own reaction
  • increase plant activity, support yield production
  • dose 0.2 l/ha

Contact Us

Agro Division

Headquarters in Střelské Hoštice

Tovární 201
387 15 Střelské Hoštice

+420 383 399 737

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Food Division

Sales and production food division in Nový Bydžov
Třída B. Smetany 1332
504 01 Nový Bydžov

+420 724 703 620

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