Foliar Fertilizer

Liquid foliar fertilizer RETAFOS®prim
Support for the balanced formation of above-ground material and the root system enabling optimal use of water, nutrients and sunlight. Furthermore, enabling intensive establishment of yield-generating elements.

Dosage: 5 litres / ha
Packaging: 20l canister, 600l and 1000l containers

Leaflet Technical specification

Product Characteristics

Formulated foliar NPK fertilizer for the supply of fast-acting phosphorus and potassium in autumn and spring.

RETAFOS®prim acts as a trigger for basic metabolic processes, supporting the uptake of nutrients, production of energy-rich substances, and transport of assimilates. This supports the establishment and development of yield-generating elements.

RETAFOS®prim fertilizer application benefits

  • significant activating effect on plants
  • Increasing the plant mass formation and development of yield-generating elements
  • increasing the uptake and utilisation of nutrients, their storage in biomass and reducing losses during the winter
  • increasing the production of simple sugars in the roots – increasing resistance to cold
  • increasing yield potential

Advantages of RETAFOS®prim fertilizer

  • liquid fertilizer with a high content of fully dissolved nutrients
  • phosphorus and potassium in specific forms
  • anti-stress bioactive component – contains humates, oligopeptides and adhesives with resistence to washing

Contact Us

Agro Division

Headquarters in Střelské Hoštice

Tovární 201
387 15 Střelské Hoštice

+420 383 399 737

Other Contacts

Food Division

Sales and production food division in Nový Bydžov
Třída B. Smetany 1332
504 01 Nový Bydžov

+420 724 703 620

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