Foliar Fertilizer
K-gel 175

Foliar fertilizer K-gel 175 is designed to support photosynthesis processes, especially in the late stages of vegetation with prolonged effectiveness due to the gel-forming component.

Packaging: 20l canister, 300l and 500l containers

Product list Technical specification

Product Characteristics

Foliar fertilizer K-gel 175 is designed to support photosynthesis processes, especially in the late stages of vegetation with prolonged effectiveness due to the gel-forming component.

Registration Information

Put on the market with the registration of ÚKZÚZ (Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture) number 3425.

Purpose of Use and Action Mode

It is applied at a time when the leaf assimilation apparatus is fully developed and its functionality determines the intensity of the formation of sugar components in storage (bulbs, tubers) or generative (cereal grain) organs. K-gel 175 is intended for treating the most active parts of plants that are most exposed to incident light radiation.


K and S nutrients and organic gel-forming agents. All components are in fully dissolved active forms.


K2O: 175 g/l, S: 58 g/l

Gel Form Specifics 

With conventional foliar fertilizers, due to the considerable fluctuations in air humidity at the time of application, the spray mixture dries quickly and therefore the nutrients that have adhered to leaves cannot be accessed. In gel fertilizers, the gel-forming component ensures better adhesion of the spray mixture to the leaf surface and at the same time slows down drying and water loss. This reduces crystallization and the consequent risk of nutrients falling in the form of crystals off of the leaf surface to the ground. When the humidity rises again, the gel captures water and the crystals of nutrients dissolve, again restoring the process of nutrients entering the leaves.
K-gel 175 contains a wetting agent which significantly increases the contact area of ​​the spray mixture and the leave surface. This leads to a higher effect of nutrients and, in the case of combinations, also plant protection products.

Recommended for Application

crop date dose amount of water

field crops, fruit,

vegetables, grapevine, hops


growth period

3 - 5 l/ha

200 – 600 l/ha

Temperatures should not fall below 5 °C during the application and for the next few days.


We always recommend performing a miscibility test with the considered combination partners.
We do not recommend mixing with wetting agents due to possible clotting.

Contact Us

Agro Division

Headquarters in Střelské Hoštice

Tovární 201
387 15 Střelské Hoštice

+420 383 399 737

Other Contacts

Food Division

Sales and production food division in Nový Bydžov
Třída B. Smetany 1332
504 01 Nový Bydžov

+420 724 703 620

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