Foliar Fertilizer
FORTE alfa®

Foliar fertilizer from a new line of fully soluble (non-suspension) foliar fertilizers following the successful Fortestim line. Especially with magnesium, zinc (EDTA), manganese (EDTA), copper (EDTA) and boron (MEA) and also with humates and amino acids

Dosage: 4 litres / ha
Packaging: 20l canister, 400l and 1000l containers

Product list Technical specification

Product Characteristics

Foliar fertilizer belonging to the group of fully soluble, non-suspended foliar fertilizers designed to improve the condition of vegetation, especially before the onset of intensive growth in the spring.

FORTE alfa® fertilizer application benefits

  • improving winter crop regeneration and rooting
  • support for the start of vegetation and spring and permanent crop rooting
  • improving the use of applied nitrogen (regeneration, production and basic doses) and other nutrients
  • reducing the hidden microelement deficit under unfavourable conditions (inappropriate pH, wetting and drying the soil profile)             

FORTE alfa® fertilizer benefits

  • complex of selected nutrients and specific organic stress-absorbing substances
  • micronutrients in fully dissolved forms, i.e. quickly absorbent and highly effective
  • number of micronutrients covers the demands for growing crops
  • cost effective solution

Contact Us

Agro Division

Headquarters in Střelské Hoštice

Tovární 201
387 15 Střelské Hoštice

+420 383 399 737

Other Contacts

Food Division

Sales and production food division in Nový Bydžov
Třída B. Smetany 1332
504 01 Nový Bydžov

+420 724 703 620

Other Contacts
