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 What is AGRALAB

According to a number of criteria, it is a programme assessing the current nutritional status of plants based on the inorganic analyzes and, in case of imbalances, proposes a solution.

How AGRALAB works

Inorganic plant analyzes - assessment system

AGRA GROUP a.s. disposes of extensive sets of results from plant analyzes collected throughout years, based on which assessment criteria are compiled. These correspond to the Czech Republic's weather and geographical conditions.

Several interrelated criteria are taken into account in the assessment, leading to a more accurate assessment of the current nutritional status, which often differs from the mere assessment of the content in relation to the optimal value.

An important factor for accurate assessment is compliance with the sampling methodology and the correct determination of the growth phase (BBCH, BBA, etc.). This activity is provided by accredited laboratories that are with AGRA GROUP a.s. in a contractual relationship.

The automatically generated assessment of each sample is controlled by an agronomic specialist and, if necessary, modifications of the recommendations or deeper specifications are made.

Recommended solutions

An effective solution to eliminate nutrient deficiencies is proposed in the protocol on plant nutritional status, which forms a part of every assessment. It contains the identification data of the grower, plant sample and values ​​measured during the analyzes.

An important element is the graphical assessment of the current nutritional status, which clearly characterises the nutritional status. Thanks to the large number of plant analyzes performed throughout the Czech Republic on all crops, we may constantly monitor the nutritional status and refine the assessment criteria.

How to obtain plant analyzes assessment from the AGRALAB programme

Plant sampling, their analysis and subsequent assessment is provided to business partners free of charge as part of the collection of AGRA GROUP a.s. products, which are intended for eliminating nutrient deficiencies by foliar spraying.

If you are interested in the analysis, please contact the relevant regional representative (see Contacts) and agree on the details (number of samples, crops, required nutrients, trade conditions). AGRALAB is an important tool for diagnosing the nutritional status of plants and for providing consultancy for wine and fruit growers.

Contact Us

Agro Division

Headquarters in Střelské Hoštice

Tovární 201
387 15 Střelské Hoštice

+420 383 399 737

Other Contacts

Food Division

Sales and production food division in Nový Bydžov
Třída B. Smetany 1332
504 01 Nový Bydžov

+420 724 703 620

Other Contacts
